
Showing posts from March, 2013


I doubt whenever I'm happy, because I feel unworthy of the sensation. I doubt because I'm unsure of what lies inside me, power or nothing... I don't want to doubt, because of all the love I receive. I want to feel worthy of it all and enjoy my time here on this earth. And yet, I doubt. Whenever I can - because I was taught to.


Between her and the world, was an invisible force field she could not break through. She worried a lot of the day away, wondering magical worlds as time passed by her. The unsightly child of a world incapable of understanding her. It was not because the world was not willing, but her peculiarity scared and was off putting. She imagined how love would feel. The soft waves of fitting together with someone else. The rose colored glasses that everyone would talk about. The smile that would certainly creep unto her face when thinking about her love. She ached as the thoughts blew through her darkened heart, making the chambers creak with sadness. As the snowflakes fell silently outside her window, she wondered how her life could have been. Had she just been born more "normal", her thoughts been less strange, her mind less adventurous and magical... Always, wondering.