I wrote this sentence earlier on twitter: "Even as the darkness creeps into my eyes, I refuse to let it color my view." It wasn't until a bit later this evening that I wondered what I had actually meant by it. See, usually when I write stuff like that, it's coming from some kind of experience I've had that day. Yet, this particular quote or sentence just came really organically. I thought of the word, refuse, and built a sentence around it. I like it because it speaks to the world as it is. I think we are all capable of dark and gloomy things, however, some chose to go on another path. I do believe completely that we are all capable of evil. Some people find they have no choice but to give in, while others have experienced pain themselves and would therefore never inflict that pain on anyone else. I always say that my experiences as a kid being bullied, have shaped me into the person that I am today, and trust me, I actually appreciate those experie...