
Showing posts from January, 2014

The disillusioned

Friendship... We all need people in our lives to depend on and to keep us sane. Sometimes the journey towards friendship and the breakup of one, can leave you very disillusioned. Here's my recent experience. You become friends, hang out and talk about anything you feel like. Because you have THAT kind of friendship. You share many of life's ups and downs. You go on vacations together. You support each other through breakups and good times. Understanding that not everything can be amazing and wonderful. You have issues once in a while, as with most close knit relationships, but figure it out in the end. So, when the friendship turns sour, without you realizing it, how do you mourn it when you accept that it's over? My feelings are hurt, I'm saddened by the disrespect I've been shown. Even if the friendship isn't what it was, it surprises me that many many years of companionship is downsized to a four or five sentence text. When you've explained to that person...


Here's two pictures for you guys. My actual x-rays from when I was brought in to the clinic and got my shoulder put back into place! The body is such an amazing instrument. To think, they can pop your shoulder back in like that. Petty flippin' awesome. First here's one where my shoulder is clearly not where it should be. And then, with a little tug and pull. This next thing happened. Simply amazing!!! Stay safe. 


For lack of updates. On my Christmas vacation I was in Italy, doing some snowboarding. Unfortunately I crashed and dislocated my shoulder. Which for over two weeks have prevented me from using both hands to type. I've spent that time, nursing myself back to health and I'm finally able to take my arm out of my sling for an hour at a time. It's slowly getting better and I'm also doing physical therapy. I am taking notes once in a while and I will be posting some thoughts on the new year and the one that has passed. Till then, stay safe. Lots of love, Ringgren