
Showing posts from May, 2011


In my life so far, I have tried a lot of things. I have been insanely happy. Heartbroken. Felt accomplished. Travelled to great places. Disappointed in myself and tried my hardest to just live. I feel like my life has been really great. Shown me a lot of paths and given me some of the greatest moments I could ever only dream of, and yet there are so many things I still want to accomplish, and things in my past I would rather forget. It's not that I have regrets per say, but there are things I wish I had been more vigil about. For example, when I was in college I was overcoming my insecurities because I had been bullied for all of elementary school and high school and all I wanted was to meet people and be social. I did all the wrong things. My brothers were skaters, wore baggy pants and it wasn't that I emulated them, I just put on the clothes and tried to hide myself as much as I could. I feel like I'm being a little confusing. I'll try and clarify my backstory. When I...

Drivers (Warning: contains rant)

Ok, so the other day I'm out driving. Minding my own business and just cruising along. I reach a T-cross, use my turn signal and patiently wait till there's an opening in the traffic. Finally there's room for me so I drive out without stopping other people. Out of nowhere this douchebag comes tearing up behind me. If I had been inconsiderate and made it so he had to put on his brakes I can understand if it would be a little annoying but this creep speeds UP when I pull out into the road. I see him in my rear view mirror and he's all up in it. He's got a nice Porsche but looks like a smug dirtbag so I flip him off very calmly. This obviously confuses this dweeb and he kind of excitedly flips his finger too. Gawd, this dimwit is just ridiculous. He stays behind me for about 10 minutes because there's no room to overtake me. I normally get really angry and yell a lot of not so nice words when people can't behave properly in the traffic, but I was fairly calm th...

Rapture of awesomeness.

I don't care about the rapture, I don't believe in it and I certainly will not worry about it. As the clock approaches May 21st and I'm sitting here in my living room I know that I won't feel bad if this was the end. Sure I still wouldn't have experienced everything I wanted, but I have had a great and fulfilling life so far. I love my family, friends, education, job and everything else. I am grateful for having lived such a rich life already. If I'm gone tomorrow that's okay. I won't cry about it. It's just life. And I for one believe in some form of reincarnation. Not sure yet how it works, but I have experienced too many things in my life that I knew was going to happen to not believe in reincarnation. So come at me rapture, I'm ready for you! Love + Blessings P.s. Don't feel bad if the rapture doesn't happen (take into consideration that there have been many "raptures" so far, and it still hasn't happened). Life will go ...

26, gamer, BOOM.

So recently my bestie gave me an ad, for someone looking for a reviewer for a video gaming website. I immediately wrote the owner of the site and she wrote me back rather quickly and told me she was very interested in me and what I could bring to the table. After a short trial review she added me to the reviewing team, and now I'm a free lance video game reviewer for the website Gamin' Girl I really am looking forward to be writing for this site, and my first review will be up soon I think. It's about the Gears Of War 3, multiplayer beta. All though I did like it, the characters of Gears just do not do well in a multiplayer. They are to clunky and slow. One of my good friends told me that it's a really good thing to be a part of a gaming website, especially for when you're looking for jobs later. I hope that I will be part of this site for quite a while and that I'll be able to go with them when they're going to Danish Video Game Awards. That could be soooo...


Something profound happened not too long ago. I was awakened by something that shook me to my very core. There have not been many times in my life, where I was truly terrified, but this one thing rocked the very foundation of my beliefs. Life is short, and as such I have come to realize that I spend too much time on things that I should just let go. I think I've actually said that before in my life, but this time it's different. I am different. I almost lost someone that I cannot imagine living without. I see this person almost everyday and we can argue, laugh and ignore each other, but the love never changes. The first thing this person told me after the accident was: "This cannot be it, I have not experienced all the things I want in my life. This cannot be the end already." It made me think and reflect on my own life. I try as best as I can to live life to its fullest. I try to experience new things, talk to strangers, and eat new foods. Yet, I can spend the majori...

The Road and I.

My ears tune in, to the sound of the road. I am filled with peace, as the asphalt passes underneath. I shut my eyes, for one fraction of a second. Rays of sun shine through the window. My heart fills with joy. The lonely road, keeps me company. It lets me feel the strength, of times long gone. I roll down the window, letting the breeze flow inside. Memories of past summers, rush in to my mind. My life is not yet over, I have many more memories to make. So instead of worrying, I will be living instead. Love + Blessings /Tinne Ringgren Larsen