In my life so far, I have tried a lot of things. I have been insanely happy. Heartbroken. Felt accomplished. Travelled to great places. Disappointed in myself and tried my hardest to just live. I feel like my life has been really great. Shown me a lot of paths and given me some of the greatest moments I could ever only dream of, and yet there are so many things I still want to accomplish, and things in my past I would rather forget. It's not that I have regrets per say, but there are things I wish I had been more vigil about. For example, when I was in college I was overcoming my insecurities because I had been bullied for all of elementary school and high school and all I wanted was to meet people and be social. I did all the wrong things. My brothers were skaters, wore baggy pants and it wasn't that I emulated them, I just put on the clothes and tried to hide myself as much as I could. I feel like I'm being a little confusing. I'll try and clarify my backstory. When I...