Rapture of awesomeness.

I don't care about the rapture, I don't believe in it and I certainly will not worry about it. As the clock approaches May 21st and I'm sitting here in my living room I know that I won't feel bad if this was the end. Sure I still wouldn't have experienced everything I wanted, but I have had a great and fulfilling life so far. I love my family, friends, education, job and everything else. I am grateful for having lived such a rich life already. If I'm gone tomorrow that's okay. I won't cry about it. It's just life. And I for one believe in some form of reincarnation. Not sure yet how it works, but I have experienced too many things in my life that I knew was going to happen to not believe in reincarnation.

So come at me rapture, I'm ready for you!

Love + Blessings

P.s. Don't feel bad if the rapture doesn't happen (take into consideration that there have been many "raptures" so far, and it still hasn't happened). Life will go on, life will flourish and life will be good.


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