Ok - blogging...

So, well, okay...

Here it is, the new and improved Tinne that will be able to keep this blog alive. Maybe. We shall see. For now, I'm actually writing a new blog post. Yay for me.

In little under a month I'm going to the states again, and considering it's only been about four months since I was there in March, well it's kind of cool (read: expensive). And this trip (God willing) will not only include a trip to Boston and Salem, but also and not excluded to Philadelphia, New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco. Woot woot. All that really means is that I'm going to be dirt poor when I get home. Sad face... But you know what, I'll just tackle that when I get home. If I have to mow lawns or whatever to pay for it, I will.

In other news, I handed in my thesis! Gasp, I know. Who would've thought I would ever hand that piece of crap in. Well, now it is, and I'm awaiting my exam. Gah I'm really not looking forward to that. I'm sure I'll knock their socks off in some way.

Oh, something I wanted to share. I've recently gotten invited to Google+ and so far I'm loving it. I'm sure it will be a lot more fun as soon as more people come onto the site, but for now I really like the picture sharing and the circles you can put people in. So for example you want your family to see certain things and updates, and your friends will be interested in other updates. And yes, Facebook does that too. But Google+ is not littered with vapid commercials and annoying group things that get updated all the time. Gah! I'm a big fan of Google+'s no bullshit approach. Plus, it's much more private with regarding your personal information than Facebook is. So people, when you get a chance, go on Google+ and have fun!

Love + Blessings


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