The journey is more important than the end or the start
Second update from the states trip.
If I can pick a theme that describes this trip it would have to be acceptance. Acceptance of yourself and others. Knowing that you need to accept certain situations in life and you can't go through life without working for what you want. Nothing comes for free and even if your currency is kindness it still costs something to be nice. Time and effort are two valuable commodities and most don't take the time to give someone that needs it, the courtesy of kindness. Even if it is something as simple as telling them how nice they look that day or sharing a special moment with them because you know that they will appreciate your opinion or support.
I'm the first to admit that I have been in a bad place where I didn't care about anyone, just wanted to shut everything out and be left alone. When somebody would interrupt me, I would blow up and be nasty to them. In the end it was horrible way to live my life. I became lonely, reclusive and even had bouts of depression and severy anxiety. I'm sure a lot of people don't really know how bad off I was at one point. For most it comes as a surprise that I have been this way and experienced the things I have. And that is the best compliment anyone could ever give me. For it means I have put that time behind me and blossomed in a way I didn't think was possible.
I took the time during this trip to tell a woman whom had shared a story with a lot of people, and mind you, this was a very personal story for her. I told her how much I appreciated that she shared it with me, and the second she aknowledged it, her face lit up. It was such a great feeling to see how it affected her that I acknowledged her life story. I hope that I in some way touched her. I also had an experience with a gas attendant, where I chatted with him while he was filing up the rental car. He had been at work since 6am and still had many hours to go before he could go home. He was a genuine nice person and when it came time to give him the money, I gave him all the singles in my wallet. He looked at me, smiled and said a thing that even I was surprised to hear in this day and age. "Wow, there ARE nice people in this world." It really touched me, such a simple thing could give this guy a smile on his face and in some way I hope I touched him and maybe he will pass it forward to someone else.
I know I still have a long way to go, and all these experiences I have they are making me a better person little by little, but I am happy. Might not always show it or express it as much as I could or should. But it's there, that little light of hope inside my heart and soul.
It's been a trip of firsts for me, and an update that doesn't really explain what happened in the places I've been to on the last leg of the trip. It's all such a blur to me, and I know for a fact that I can't do it justice by mere written words. So instead I will tell you a little about someone I think the world of and explain in closing how NYC inspired me to my core.
There is this person, he has the most amazing heart and even though it's hard to see sometimes, he's been hurt. I shared something extraordinary with him and his (in my humble opinion, true love) and that morning at the breakfast table in the Hawthorne Hotel really changed me. When a person opens up to you for the first time and bares their soul. You better listen up and acknowledge it, or you'll miss out on something amazing, even life changing. The hurt and strife he's been through makes me appreciate him even more as a human being. I can't imagine someone with a heart like that, and someone who wants to hurt it. He changed my opinion of myself and the love he has for her is, what can only be described as otherworldly. These two people are now forever engraved in my heart, and whatever happens in the future I wish them the best of luck and endless amounts of happiness. They deserve every bit of luck they get.
I got a lot of inspiration from my trips around the east coast and Pennsylvania. Seeing the green luscious woods and the beautiful homes we drove past, made me feel serene and at peace. The bustling lives of New Yorkers made me realize that I am a people person and I do love to surround myself with a lot of friends. It's where I get to vent and be a little annoying, because they let me talk about what's going on inside me. I think a lot of people underestimate the importance of venting about your day. From personal experience I know that it is good to get things off your chest, otherwise they fester and take you over until you blow up at someone. I love my friends, new and old. I would not be who I am without their love and input.
This is way longer than what I intended. Oh well, hope you can relate and that it maybe inspires change in your own life.
Sam (Lord of the Rings): There's some good in this world Mr. Frodo and it's worth fighting for.
Love + Blessings
If I can pick a theme that describes this trip it would have to be acceptance. Acceptance of yourself and others. Knowing that you need to accept certain situations in life and you can't go through life without working for what you want. Nothing comes for free and even if your currency is kindness it still costs something to be nice. Time and effort are two valuable commodities and most don't take the time to give someone that needs it, the courtesy of kindness. Even if it is something as simple as telling them how nice they look that day or sharing a special moment with them because you know that they will appreciate your opinion or support.
I'm the first to admit that I have been in a bad place where I didn't care about anyone, just wanted to shut everything out and be left alone. When somebody would interrupt me, I would blow up and be nasty to them. In the end it was horrible way to live my life. I became lonely, reclusive and even had bouts of depression and severy anxiety. I'm sure a lot of people don't really know how bad off I was at one point. For most it comes as a surprise that I have been this way and experienced the things I have. And that is the best compliment anyone could ever give me. For it means I have put that time behind me and blossomed in a way I didn't think was possible.
I took the time during this trip to tell a woman whom had shared a story with a lot of people, and mind you, this was a very personal story for her. I told her how much I appreciated that she shared it with me, and the second she aknowledged it, her face lit up. It was such a great feeling to see how it affected her that I acknowledged her life story. I hope that I in some way touched her. I also had an experience with a gas attendant, where I chatted with him while he was filing up the rental car. He had been at work since 6am and still had many hours to go before he could go home. He was a genuine nice person and when it came time to give him the money, I gave him all the singles in my wallet. He looked at me, smiled and said a thing that even I was surprised to hear in this day and age. "Wow, there ARE nice people in this world." It really touched me, such a simple thing could give this guy a smile on his face and in some way I hope I touched him and maybe he will pass it forward to someone else.
I know I still have a long way to go, and all these experiences I have they are making me a better person little by little, but I am happy. Might not always show it or express it as much as I could or should. But it's there, that little light of hope inside my heart and soul.
It's been a trip of firsts for me, and an update that doesn't really explain what happened in the places I've been to on the last leg of the trip. It's all such a blur to me, and I know for a fact that I can't do it justice by mere written words. So instead I will tell you a little about someone I think the world of and explain in closing how NYC inspired me to my core.
There is this person, he has the most amazing heart and even though it's hard to see sometimes, he's been hurt. I shared something extraordinary with him and his (in my humble opinion, true love) and that morning at the breakfast table in the Hawthorne Hotel really changed me. When a person opens up to you for the first time and bares their soul. You better listen up and acknowledge it, or you'll miss out on something amazing, even life changing. The hurt and strife he's been through makes me appreciate him even more as a human being. I can't imagine someone with a heart like that, and someone who wants to hurt it. He changed my opinion of myself and the love he has for her is, what can only be described as otherworldly. These two people are now forever engraved in my heart, and whatever happens in the future I wish them the best of luck and endless amounts of happiness. They deserve every bit of luck they get.
I got a lot of inspiration from my trips around the east coast and Pennsylvania. Seeing the green luscious woods and the beautiful homes we drove past, made me feel serene and at peace. The bustling lives of New Yorkers made me realize that I am a people person and I do love to surround myself with a lot of friends. It's where I get to vent and be a little annoying, because they let me talk about what's going on inside me. I think a lot of people underestimate the importance of venting about your day. From personal experience I know that it is good to get things off your chest, otherwise they fester and take you over until you blow up at someone. I love my friends, new and old. I would not be who I am without their love and input.
This is way longer than what I intended. Oh well, hope you can relate and that it maybe inspires change in your own life.
Sam (Lord of the Rings): There's some good in this world Mr. Frodo and it's worth fighting for.
Love + Blessings