NYCC and True Blood

I'm a big nerd, and I love all things comics and movies. I must say one of my biggest reasons for wanting to go to NYCC (New York Comic Con) is to meet the one and only Kevin Smith. Ever since I saw Clerks I fell in love with that man and how he had a way with dialogue. Ever since Clerks, I've enjoyed all of his movies. Well, except Jersey Girl, that was not a great film.

My favorites would be Chasing Amy. For some reason that movie just grabbed a hold of me and I was hooked. Dogma, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back and Mallrats were awesome too, but I'm sure that the new "Red State" will have me hooked as well. That man really found a way to make me ponder about life and faith. Especially in Dogma. Whether he intended to or not (haven't researched it) but I found myself having a newfound respect for my own faith after watching this movie. How he could continually question faith and why we as a people want to believe in it was amazing to me.

My favorite is still Chasing Amy. How he described this friendship, that involved into something more even without one of the two people wanting there to be more, and how it was possible to be so in love with someone and then let your own fears screw the whole thing up. It taught me a few things about love as well. You can't force something and you sure as hell can't decide how the love should be. We all have baggage and we all have things that the other person will have a hard time dealing with. If all these differences can be tolerated and discussed then there's no reason a relationship shouldn't work. Both have to be willing to work on it though, it's not a cakewalk and there are no shortcuts in love. It takes work and trust me, it's worth it when it is the right person. Can't wait to find mine.

Poor segway into another topic... but, I had the most awesome dream last night. That I was a vampire, with kinda the same atmosphere as in True Blood. It was crazy. I dreamt that I had been arrested for a murder that I didn't commit and was held in a police station with a Jason Stackhouse look-a-like. Suddenly we were invaded by Zombies and we all had to hold down the fort and try to survive. Sometimes my dreams are so vivid that I actually think they could be a pretty decent movie. Mostly my action dreams, like the one I had where I had to protect my old school from an Alien attack, being all Ripley-like with big guns and everything. Haha. Man, I gotta write more of them down.

Love + Blessings


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