Day 14 - Two weeks down, one to go...

The funny thing about taking time off of Facebook and other social media, in reality just means you spend that same amount of time on something else... You substitute one addiction for something else. In my case, I've spent much more time watching tv then I used to do. Honestly, I feel like I got more out of being on Facebook and Twitter, in terms of recognection from your peers and friends, than I do watching tv. The tv doesn't tell you that you're funny or that quote you just thought of, was really insightful.

But that's besides the point really. Facebook has become an integral part of life for a lot of people. Even companies that have fan pages and the like. It's just something you have to deal with on an everyday basis and it means if it becomes too much, you have to cut down and manage your time better.

I guess that's what I've learned. I need to manage the time I use on stuff, a lot better... It's vital really. So that's my goal to get that together this last week.

Love + Blessings


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