Day 5 - Transformation Central.

So, no Facebook dreams last night. Whew. And I slept through the entire night, it was quite good.

The fifth day has been really amazing. It's weird to explain. I tried something very out of my comfort zone. I almost even cancelled the whole thing, but I felt I had to go through with it. And I'm so grateful that I did. I've come away with an experience in my backpack that I now can't imagine not having experienced. Everything in my life has led up to a certain moment whee I needed to let go of inhabitions and just open myself up. As I said it was very very much out of my comfort zone and even extremely challenging for me. I guess I always weigh my actions by thinking how other people would look at me if they saw what I was doing. In this setting I was in, I had to just completely let go off every thought and just be in the moment. I won't go into detail with what I did, because it is something still very personal and I'm going to keep it close to my heart for just a little while. I'm sure I'll share it with you all later, but for now I'm keeping it to myself. I know, I'm such a tease!

Other than that I've been playing Zelda: Skyward Sword! It's been a while since I've gamed properly so it was really good to just sit down and get lost in a great game again. It's amazing how you can loose yourself in something like that. A video game, full of fantasy and magic. I love it.

Another thing I love immensely is the movie "The Iron Giant". If you haven't seen it, then do it. It touched my heart so so much and I cried my eyes out. In a good way. It's a simple story of a boy and an iron giant who becomes friends. But the "normal grown up world" believes anything of that size could never have good intentions. It's a great story, and one I will watch again soon. It's past 4am now, I'd better get some sleep.

I'll leave y'all with this phrase from a song I heard recently...

"Eternal love unfailing grace,
The gifts You freely gave.
Son of God, son of Man."

Whatever you think these words mean, think for a second what it can mean for your soul. I am but a single voice in a sea of many, but I truly believe that with love and grace in your heart, there is nothing you cannot set your mind to.

Love + Blessings


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