Day 17 - Finding happiness.

It's within you... That happiness you're searching for. It won't come by plane, car or magic tricks. It is within you. You just have to embrace it and be the best you. If you find happiness within you, then it will fill every part of your life. The friendships you have, the career you want. Because I believe it's true what they say, if you don't like yourself, then who will? In the end, the only person you have to thank for what's happened in your life (not including accidents or losing people) but your own personal feelings and journey, is you... You are the master of your fate. Even if you - as I - have faith you are still in control of your own life. That's the beauty of life, you have the tools to make it a great one. It doesn't mean that you've failed if you feel you haven't fulfilled your potential, but you are aware that your life choices have led you to a certain place and that you are actually capable of changing it.

That's my belief anyway, take it as you will. I know I've made plenty of crappy life choices, but now I'm more determined than ever to change that about myself. I'm ready to take it to the next level, to get where I want to be. And I am excited!

Tip of the day:
If you're a gamer, try out the XBLA (for the clueless: X Box Live Arcade) title called "Dishwasher: Vampire Smile" - it's a cool game. Dystopia and destruction of society. Great value for money!

Love + Blessings


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