"Hold On 'Til the Night"

Love... Is an amazing feeling, and one of few that fills your heart and soul with joy. The smile that tugs at your lips when you see the one you love coming towards you. The light you recognize in their eyes, that tells you all you need to know. Love can intoxicate and confuse, and it is a feeling like no other. Love has no malice or jealousy. Love is unconditional and compassionate and humans are extremely blessed to have something like this in their possession.

Sadly, many mistreat it and neglect the fact that love also takes work. In this day and age, it has become increasingly easier to just give up on a relationship instead of working at it, making the love last a lifetime. There are plenty of examples in the world, of love lasting and relationships standing the test of time. So why is it that our current generation gives up so easily? I have yet to come to an understanding of this.

I am a passionate woman, and someone who loves without judgment. I have experienced an all-encompassing relationship that took a lot out of me, and even though I am no longer there, I would not trade the experience for all the wonders in the world. It taught me so much about myself and what I want out of life. And it undoubtedly also instilled into me what I absolutely do not want. As I said before love has no malice or jealousy. If such things exist in a relationship, there is a good chance that neither person trusts the other.

I have yet to find that amazing soul that I fit into perfectly, but I have no doubt that when I least expect it, love will find me. I am a dreamer at heart, an artist that needs to express herself in whatever way she can, and that is why I am trying my best to put into words what love is to me.

I have been led to believe by society that you cannot be truly at peace if you are not in a relationship. And even a “relationship” does not guarantee love. I remember being embarrassed at the age of eighteen and never having kissed anyone. Not for a lack of trying, but because I had been surrounded by many unkind individuals in my younger years, that made sure I would never even have the courage to let myself fall for anyone. In spite of how it was beat into me every day that I was ugly, not worthy of love, awkward and pathetic. Here I sit, with a lot of amazing experiences in my backpack. Travels to wonderful places, friends that know me through and through and still love me unconditionally and a relationship that gave me unmistakable moments of happiness. All of these things have shaped me into the person I am today. I still have a lot of things to experience and enjoy but I am willing to let go of being comfortable, in search of a life that I want for myself, not what others think I am meant to have.

In closing, I honestly believe that love is about giving a part of yourself to someone else and be assured that they will handle that part with the greatest of care. If for one second you doubt the sincerity in their heart, it is not who you are meant to stay with. Never feel like you are giving up if your significant other is unwilling to understand you and what you need from them, because if there is unwillingness there is no love. It might sound cold and cynical, but I know from personal experience that no matter how much you love the other person and how you try to show them every day, if there is no reciprocation of care, there never will be.

Never settle for what others think you deserve…

Love + Blessings


Evy Gonzalez said…
I loved this. I feel that you have in some way, encompassed my feelings towards relationships and love. This hit a part of me, it really did. Keep it going love, you write beautifully as well.

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